
Smile Gold:

Single premium investment plan which provides the choice at maturity to receive the accumulated capital either as a lump sum or as monthly pension


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What are the benefits to you?
  • guaranteed yield
  • potential extra yield by participating in Company’s probable annual extra return on investment
  • flexibility to reinforce your savings whenever you wish with extra payments
  • several choices at maturity to receive the accumulated capital either as a lump sum or as a monthly pension”
  • possibility of early liquidation (partial or total)
  • insurance protection in case of Total Permanent Disability or loss of life in case of an accident, either you or your family receive a lump sum equal to the initial premium
  • cash collateral in order to pledge your house mortgage or consumer loan

* Life time Pension is paid for policy’s cash value higher than 50.000€ and ages above 55 years old.

Former investment  programs

Smile Premium, Smile Pension Gold

For the owners of a policy in force in the particular programs the terms and conditions remain as they are till the maturity of each policy.